Nestled in a picturesque location in the heart of the extremely popular semi-rural village of Carleton, this two double bedroomed duplex apartment forms part of a converted stone built weaving shed and offers well proportioned versatile accommodation throughout, together with original characterful features that date back to the early eighteenth century.
The property is advertised with no onward chain and is ready for immediate occupancy. With UPVC sealed unit double glazing and electric background heating, 4 The Wend comprises very briefly:
Ground floor entrance hall with staircase leading up to the main accommodation. The first floor is planned with a landing. Kitchen including numerous appliances. Spacious bedroom. An office/third bedroom. House bathroom. On the second floor there is a spacious living room with a multi-fuel cast iron stove. Fantastic views. Additional landing. Primary double bedroom. Hard wired smoke and heat detection system and two fire doors.
Surrounded by open countryside, the very popular rural village of Carleton is served by a variety of local amenities including a general store, a public house, Church, village hall, primary school and a bus service. The historic market town of Skipton known as the 'Gateway to the Dales' is only approximately two miles away. The business centres of West Yorkshire and East Lancashire are within comfortable daily commuting distance.
With much to commend it, this very appealing and unique home comprises in further detail:
With UPVC sealed unit double glazed entrance door. Cloaks rail. Ceramic floor tiling. Staircase leading up to the first floor accommodation. Storage cupboard under the staircase. UPVC sealed unit double glazing which has strengthened glass for security and with stone mullioned surround.
Spindled balustrade. Fitted carpets. Access to additional staircase leading up to the second floor. 30 Minute rated fire door leading to the upper staircase.
9'11" x 9'2" Providing a range of fitted base and wall cupboards with counter lighting underneath and drawers incorporating granite worktop surfaces. Ceramic sink. Ceramic wall tiles. Belling oven. Plumbing and floor space for a slimline dishwasher. Beko automatic washing machine. Free standing fridge. Built-in pantry with fitted shelves. Store cupboard housing a hot water cylinder and freezer included. Ceiling spotlights. Exposed wooden beam. UPVC sealed unit double glazed window.
14'7" x 12'1" With two UPVC sealed unit double glazed windows. 30 minute rated fire door. Wonderful views of surrounding woodland. Exposed wooden beams. Electric heater. Fitted carpets. Access to:
8'2" x 7'8" Exposed wooden floorboards and beam. UPVC sealed unit glazed window.
Comprising of a three piece white suite including a low suite WC, a pedestal hand wash basin, and a panelled bath. Splash-back wall panels. Electric chrome ladder radiator. UPVC sealed unit double glazed window. Extractor fan.
18'7" x 13'3" A spacious living room enjoying fantastic elevated long distance views. Exposed wooden floorboards and beams. Multi-fuel cast iron stove set on a stone hearth having attractive exposed stonework surround and lintel. Range of UPVC sealed unit double glazing on two sides.
Spindled balustrade. Wooden beam. Fitted carpets.
12' x 10'5" Double bedroom with exposed wooden floorboards. UPVC sealed unit double glazed window. Wonderful views of surrounding woodland and countryside.
Attractive exposed wooden beams.
The tenure for this property is Freehold. This property also acts as the Freeholder of the ground floor apartment below it, with a new 999 year Lease being written imminently.
The council tax band quoted for this property on the Gov.UK website is Band: B
SERVICES All mains services are installed with the exception of gas.
Please note we have not been able to test the equipment or installations in this property and recommend that prospective purchasers arrange for a qualified person to check any appliances before entering into any commitment.
VIEWING Strictly by arrangement with
HARRISON BOOTHMAN. All potential viewers are advised to read a copy of our
PRIVACY POLICY which can be found on our website. Alternatively a written copy is available on request.
Tel: Skipton 799993
Any floor plans are provided for informational and illustrative purposes only. Although we endeavour to provide truthful representation, we do not in any way warrant the accuracy of the floor plan information and the floor plan layout and measurements may contain errors and omissions. We are not liable for and do not accept any liability relating to any loss or damage suffered as a direct or indirect result of use of any information on the floor plan. The extent of the property and its boundaries are subject to verification by inspection of the title deeds.
These particulars were prepared from observation together with information supplied by the Vendor. We have not carried out a detailed professional survey.
If you are thinking of selling your property
HARRISON BOOTHMAN will be pleased to provide a
FREE VALUATION for sale purposes.
These particulars do not constitute an offer or contract of sale.
Any prospective purchaser should satisfy themselves by inspection of the property.